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Busyness becomes a Badge of Honour

We should never get too busy to find time to maintain our sense of enjoyment. As women, particularly mothers, we play so many different roles that it is almost impossible to stay focused on our passions and dreams.When one’s overwhelmed with other commitments it can be challenging staying motivated for personal growth, but we must not shove our dreams or passions into the background.  The question is how do we maintain our enthusiasm to remain focus among the many distractions in our daily lives, how do we bring a sense of joy and fulfilment into our daily routine?

Here’s my 5 Must-do’s for creating daily joy.

We must make time for the things we love. Maybe it’s time to rediscover some of our favourite things. If we don’t make the time to do things we are excited about, things that gives us pleasure, we could easily start resenting our lives, and resentment create feelings of irritation and anger. That’s why it is important to make time every day for the things we really enjoy.

We must learn to say NO. It’s human nature to be socially obliging, that is why often it’s much easier to say “Yes” but to prevent unnecessary commitments that consumes time and energy with no real benefits, we should only take up commitments that add value to ourselves, not stress.

We must learn to let go of past hurts. What is the point in obsessing over all the things that have gone wrong? Holding on to past unhappiness or disappointment  is a hotbed for stress, worry, and anxiety, which leaves no room for any enjoyment.

We must bear in mind that nothing stays the same for ever. The fact is life is an ever changing experience. We outgrow things and things out grow us. As painful as it can be we need to re-evaluate our priorities every now and again to help give importance to what really matters. It’s impossible to please everyone, so we must make wise choices to enhance our own lives.

We must be adventurous. Life itself is an adventure, so we must try something new at least once a month. It could be something simple or something complex. Feel the fear but do it anyway! Thank God for the internet, there is vast information at our disposal, so right now is an excellent time for the things we’ve put on hold.

Life should never stop being an adventure, we must abolish boring routines. Our passion is the fuel for a life well lived.

Thank you for reading.

AmaSerwaa x

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